Friday, October 28, 2005

In the quest for existentialism...

It has been a long and eventful journey. I don't exactly remember when, where or how it started, but somewhere along the road I picked up this 'pseud dood' word - "Existentialism". What was it all about - was it some pseudo intellectual gobbledygook discussed by the jobless bourgeois over cups of hot coffee ?, was it some cult concept drawing millions of hapless moths towards its incandescent warmth ?
what was this word ? who were these people - "the existentialists" ? A movie, a book, a person, a thought - there was existentialism existing everywhere....
To be frank, most of my efforts met up with a dead end. I tried asking people and most of them came up with hogwash which they themselves couldn't understand. I tried reading conga's book authored by Satre but could not get past the first few sentences.
Tried searching on the google, most of the stuff went way way way way over my modest 5'10" frame. I bought a Kafka at Strands, but the novel was so laborious that every page was followed by a good 10 hour sleep - it was the ultimate sedative. I, infact felt guilty that I wasnt able to appreciate a great mans work. Along the way i picked up lots and lots of jargon. the existential angst, the despair, subjectivism involved in human live, about how existence preceeds essence in human life.


Blogger yell said...

you might want to take a peek at your blog's template, it's simple html mostly.

save a copy of the existing template or any future stable template you make before proceeding to muck around with it.

login > change settings > template > pick new ( or screw around with the html straight away ).

11:30 AM  
Blogger mOby said...

yup ra.. .
never was comfortable with a web page for thoughts (read blog). Who would be interested in your thoughts and interests... dint want to add to the already exploding cyber trash. but me bored so had to give in and in the process create more cyber trash

10:38 PM  
Blogger Prash said...

I did a little research on existentialism myself. From what I learnt, existentialism can be approached from various perspectives:
means and ends
life and death
and many others that I forget

It just depends on what you apply it to. Beyond that.. it's a mystery to me too.. and my understanding may not be the best coz I got a B in my Philosophy class.

Anyway, Woody Allen is probably the most famous existentialist around, so you would do well to watch some of his movies. Love and Death to begin with. And don't cuss me if it's not a textbook lesson on existentialism. It's something you derive from the plot of the movie, not something that is preached. And that's what makes Woody Allen so brilliant I guess.

8:27 PM  

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