Friday, December 16, 2005

A Room with a view
Despite the limited abilities, the intrepid writer in me keeps wandering off at his own peril. I was ruminating about writing and realized that the most difficult aspect for any writer would be description. The description of the scene, the setting, the mood, the light, the hue, the smell, the feel.
I can imagine this gaunt author stooping over his checklist and wondering aloud - "ok I have a tale tell. I have conceived my grand central theme. My unique underlying plot is all laid out. All my characters are sketched to perfection. I have a beginning, I have an ending, I have all that goes in between. I even have the foreword all ready. But still, I have that feeling; the feeling of having my skirt all bunched up."

It was hard enough for those six blind men trying to feel up the poor old elephant. Now, imagine one blind fool, conjuring up a gigantic wooly mammoth with wings and wearing panties, standing tall and proud, looking down upon other creatures with contempt ( No, no that "look" - "contempt"? no I guess he is looking down with pity or maybe he just standing there totally blank. God ! how can i get my readers to see what i see.), and then try to paint this picture on the mental canvas of another blind fool. Its a real tough job.

How do I translate the scene laid out in front of me into accurate words?
How do I capture the colors, the shadows, the hues, the smells, the sounds and the feel on paper?
What metaphors would my readers relate to ?
Of what shade is the darkness, that engulfs me ?
Can my readers feel the unearthly dread that I feel ?
How can i make this piercing silence scream out through my words?

How can I make my hand write what my heart feels ??

Saturday, December 10, 2005

A Picture worth a thousand words....